Thursday, January 24, 2013

kau teristimewa, Dia yang sempurna

Assalamualaikum w.b.t & watcha doing yaww? 
How's your holiday? How's your hometown?
And how's your everything?
Is everything okay?
If okay, Alhamdulillah. Praise to Allah =)

Salam Maulidur Rasul.
Perbanyakkan selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan tercinta kita. 

Right now, this hour, this minute, this second,
I'm at my hometown.
Feel so fascinating ! 
Being with my beloved Family, beloved Best friends & Sisters.
And beloved hometowns. 
It's everything that I miss.

But one thing for sure,
the memories that I want to forget have been recall back since I've came here.

Every single place in my hometown keep remain of the memories.
Yes, I said I want to forget him.
But eventually, I can't....
The truth is, I CAN'T !
I've try to, even me avoid all my friends, best friends.
And I didn't realized that I'd hurt them.
I'm sorry.

In my previous entry, I'd explained why I even avoid my friends, my best friends.
But it still didn't work. My friends keep telling me how he had been,
and I even saw his picture at one of my friends wedding !
And kept my heart at ache.
(For sure, if he read this he will become more annoying to me.)

More than that, I even saw all our old conversation in my old phone.
(which now, Ibu use that phone.)
I didn't erase all the message. All of his text reminder especially, I saved in the phone.

Am I too obsessed? 
Am I enough too care?
We didn't have anything special in the past.
It just me, that just made him one of the important person in my life.
I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry.
When I think about it, there's so many things I'd did wrong.
I'd always bother him with all my 'annoying' attitude.
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I felt very sorry.
Up until now we've always arguing, blaming each other.
I don't know what I must do to make things even better.
Even though I know things will not the same like the old time.

Hati saya sentiasa keras di awal,
tapi akhirnya lembut juga.

I'm sorry because I can't seem to forget everything.
Because you were too kind.
Even in your own way to show that kindness.
Sometimes annoying, sometimes arguing, even 'mentally psycho-ing' me.

I'm sorry again.
It was all my fault, jealousy ruin everything.
(even we don't have any special relationship, just being friends)
Yes, it's just me.
Even though I know we will never meant to be together.
Now, or maybe sometimes.
Maybe all the prays I keep for Allah have some mistakes.
And maybe my intention was a bit strayed away.

I just only can make Du'a,
for you have a happier life from now on and in the future.
Be with someone that will even more care of you,
and always makes you happy.
A life with someone that will still having Allah blessing till Jannah.
Amin =)

Not just I even to give up.
Even though I'd say before this, that I will wait for you.
It just I don't want you to feel offended or shame anymore with me.
I hope it's enough with just for me that you felt that way.
Not for anyone else.

Take care.
I know you will always obey to Allah will,
a really good son to your parents,
a really good brother to your siblings,
a really good uncle to your niece & nephew,
a really good friends to our friends,
a really good citizen to our country,
and lastly will be a really good husband to your future wife, SOMEDAY.

Because, at that time..I'm starting to believe in you.

May Allah always bless you in whatever you do.

"You will only find true happiness when you truly believe that everything happens
for a reason and Allah is the best of planner."

p/s : Minta maaf untuk bahasa yang bercampur baur. 

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