Tuesday, January 1, 2019

It's been 5 years already!


Ya Allah, macam mana aku boleh jumpa blog ni balik. Hahahahaha it's so funny to read all of my previous post I can laugh to death already! (palis haha)

Tapi tidak apa la, sebab tiada rasa mau buang pun selagi blogspot masih terus ada sebagai laman sesawang. 😂 At least, macam sekarang ni la. Bila teringat, boleh baca balik dan ketawa-ketawa sendiri. When I scroll all my post, I can see so many changes in me. Even me couldn't believe that me who wrote up all that. Kebanyakan post pasal hati dan perasaan ni, ya Allah tolonglah berubah Amanda. Rasanya sekarang masih juga begitu kan. 😪 Dan perubahan paling besar sekali, dulu aku sukaaaa gila writing up all of my ideas, (walaupun ada yang tidak terpublish masuk dalam draft) but now, entah kemana sudah hobi tu. Walaupun sekadar suka-suka ja. So, mungkinkah sekarang akan mula menulis lagi walaupun selepas 5 tahun? HAHAHA.

Oh, by the way it's already 2019 everybadehhhh, and me turning 29 this year. Anggap ja la macam 19 kan sebab perangai masih lagi macam 19. 😒 So, what am I doing and what happened for the past 4 years? Okay here's the chronology:


  • Entering Institut Latihan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia Sultan Azlan Shah, Ulu Kinta, Perak and taking Diploma in Pharmacy for 3 years. So yeah, Alhamdulillah my life was turning upside down there. Being a student, yeah a Pharmacy student eventhough before you're an Islamic Banking student. Can you imagine that? It's really really tough especially when you meet Chemistry in your period class. Almost give up my study there.
  • Okay, I don't know whether I should put this here or not, haha but in July 2015 i've meet someone. Yes someone from my batch but different courses anddd yeah of course, didn't know what tomorrow brings so yeah, everything was 'flower bloomed' at that time.
So there's the beginning my Pharmacist Technician there. Being a student, an event organizer sometimes, a girlfriend, a practical student and meet all my kind friends there.

  • Still being a student, practical student, and yeah still someone's girlfriend and planning to get married after a year of getting a job. The subject getting very tough there. Mock dispensing, Pharmaceutical Lab, start practical at Clinic and Hospital again, study theory thingy and so on.
  • Oh ya, KLIA was our 3rd hometown at that time. HAHA

  • Our third year. Finish practical session, going back to theory class, final exam, final year presentation, PTM and worrying the result bla bla bla.
  • The last part there, last day he's sending me back. Didn't knew that was the last time we meet cause I'd thought we will meet again someday. Yeah he's in Peninsular Malaysia while me, Borneo.
Oh, meet few people too while 3 years with him, but I am a loyal person ok 🙋 though I'm a bit naughty just because I like being friends with many people, boys and girls.

  • Officially a Pharmacist Assistant on Mac, Alhamdulillah got my attachment in one of district hospital in Sabah. Graduated on October. 😊 Planned to meet him on October at my graduation day but nah he couldn't come. It's okay I understand because we far apart from each other.
  • We already on the 3rd year, though many obstacles, fighting and arguing.
  • November 1st, me caught him cheated on me. THE END of relationship. HAHAHA 

But thanks to Allah I realized all of that before we getting more into serious relationship like engaged or marriage. Though it was very hard to accept the fact, but I really believed everything had hikmah from Him. Amin 😊

So, something to ponder here is, we don't always get what we want. Although we've already planned everything, but nothing can resist Allah's plan to us. Believe everything happened will have hikmah from Him. Don't stop praying and make Du'a for Him. Other than that, Alhamdulillah I have everything already though I've lost one. Alhamdulillah ya Rab. 😇

But one thing for sure, someone wished me on my birthday. I had a crush for him and he come back when everything was falling apart at that time. Not that I've already move on that fast haha. I meet him, he knows, I think he's the right person, but at the wrong time or right time but wrong person. Just a crush kan. Who knows? At least he still know that I'm exist! hahahahahahah okey till now, then 🙋

*nampak kan masih banyak post pasal hati dan perasaan? 😂

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